
Life truly is as a river, flowing, streaming across the vast space of our being. But where it shall take us is not completely set.  If we swim hard even, we can battle even the greatest of torrents, the most powerful of currents.

It is in our spirit the river awaits. It is our will the river follows. Once we choose to go against the river our life truly begins. Once we find our way the river’s flow will guide us further.

It challenges us.  It builds us.  It makes us who we are.  When we’re ready, it takes us the rest of the way.

It may seem the same, our journey’s end.  But the journey itself alters every perception, bringing different acceptance, new content, drifting from what we thought we knew to nothing we’ve ever known at all.

Continuum.  Always appearing the same.  But never the same at all.


Original X: Bach