Bryan has performed in the past at small venues, as well as on the stage for dance.  He also acts here and there for film.  He loves the rush of performing and the challenges that go along with it.  Until you have done it, you can never really appreciate the work that goes into performing.  But performance has eluded B for much of the last five years with him focusing more on his work behind the camera and in the editing room.  Nevertheless, he has still managed to get the occasional small role and continues to work on material in preparation for future shows.  Bottom line, he has plans to do more of this type of thing soon.  Let’s all push him to make it happen.  No excuses!

On the occasion B performs any of his scripted work for the stage, any of his music or whatever else might come around, he’ll be sure to post videos of his performances here.  This also includes videos of any of his work that he has performed by other people.  We hope you can dig it.






– The B Team