Check it, B’s Words are the written entries of poetry, spoken word, stories, lyrics and other forms of scribed content you will find on this site by me, Bryan Bachar.  Not only do I write often for my work, but writing is one of my favs to do in my spare time as well.  Anyway, I hope you can find something worth your time…and mine!  Just click on one of the sub-categories under B’s Words in the above navigation menu to find what you want to read.  For ease of use, I’ve included the links below also.  Make sure to check the archives for past entries too.

Go to the Straight Bloggin’ section of the site for my updates, announcements, events, thoughts, news and site info.  That’s where you’ll find all of my blabbing.  For creative writing, you hit the write (he he) place.  OH, and on the occasion I perform anything, including the written works you’ll read here, you can find videos of my performances on the B the Performer page.  Peaces.



– B