Mind Your Manners

The human mind is a mystery…..sometimes.  There are those occasions we cannot grasp even the simplest of concepts or situations.  There are those moments it just breaks down.  But there are also those times that everything seems to just “click”.  We can almost see things before they even happen.

I recently placed the pieces of a vast puzzle together.  This bender has eaten at me for years.  But then, after waking from a mid-day slumber to rest my weary mind, I awoke with an answer.  It was so utterly elementary.  Yet, it had never dawned on me before.  So simple, so very simple…..

Moments as this are few and far between for most of us.  And I will cherish the knowledge.  However, will I use it?  Because the funny thing about the mind is as fast as it can release an epiphany, it can forget strikes of lighting with even more haste.

So, as much as I would like to retain this, or any great piece of wisdom, with time, likely, it will vanish.  So is the essence of the mind.  So is the trouble with being human.

The mind…..our most powerful resource; and, at the same instance, the source of the repetitive nature that dooms us all for placing in it such trust.  Now that is truly a puzzle, indeed.


Original X: Bach








Never understood the depressing of the progressing of life.

As skies open wide, so do my eyes, with the tranquil ease of dimly lit scenery.

Calmly, the earth drinks in its ocean cocktail, quenching the thirst of its dried body,

Soaking in the cold liquid from above.

Many look at this process as daunting, cumbersome, even without joy.

But the earth is as us,

Needing hydration,

Relaxation from a cotton-mouthed afternoon.

Condensation is its lover.

And from the two all are born.

Just as I sip my cold brew on an evening adventure,

The earth sips its downpour, so freely drafted from the tap nature,

Ready to slumber after, and later to wake to more labor.

For that I’ll have another.

For that I’ll buy a round.


Original X: Bach