Getting Over It

As we get older we’re expected to know more, be more wise.  But no matter how old you are you’ll never be perfect.  If you slip up don’t be too hard on yourself.  Just learn from it and move on.

Beating yourself up will get you nowhere.  All it will do is destroy your self-confidence.  This isn’t to say you shouldn’t take responsibility for your actions.  Part of aging is using what you’ve learned to be a more fully developed individual, which means you should constantly be understanding more.

You should better understand the way the world works, how you work and what and what not is of quality human interaction and human characteristics.  We all have different culture, different ideals of what is right and wrong.  Such goes without saying really.  But there are those qualities, those things that humanity as a whole accepts and comprehends as being a part of natural growth cycle of a human being.

There are those attributes people should strive towards while aging.  Some come more naturally.  Some we must push for.  Some are just common sense.  And there are those things we know from within are just right, which are shared amongst man as a whole.

Maintaining a responsibility to uphold these “things” is part of maturing.  If you aren’t attending to these duties as you age, you are holding yourself back.  You are stunting your growth.  So, it can be said knowing when to take responsibility for your actions is a common one of those attributes discussed here.  But, as stated earlier, part of getting older is also understanding that you will mess up.

When you do, don’t be self-degrading in your determination of the fact you messed up.  Accept it.  Take responsibility.  Learn.  Grow.  Move on.  We can only change the way we handle or prevent our mistakes for future instances.  We can’t change the mistake that has already happened.


– B


Original X: Bach


Fight 4 Your Life

Sooooo, my most recent creative project is a short film called Fight 4 Your Life, which was filmed at the end of last month (March) as part of the Sacramento 48 Hour Film Festival.  I used this festival as a means to get a lot of people together for a short amount of time to accomplish a rather large feat.  The big picture was always to extend the film well past the allotted 7 minute runtime restriction of the 48 hr festival, editing it into what the script truly called for.  My team and I were able to shoot 11 scenes in less than a day and a half.

Now, obviously, it was to be expected that the film wouldn’t be perfect.  When you’re shooting so much in such a short amount of time there is bound to be limitations and flaws.  But, overall, we were extremely successful in accomplishing the task of finishing the shoots, which were at multiple locations.  I created a tedious shooting schedule to allow for the most clear cut path as possible.  It seems it worked and I am so very proud of my cast and crew for getting ‘er done.

I now have a plethora of footage to edit into what will be the final film, which looks to be anywhere from 20 to 25 minutes in length at this time.  Of course, this is just an estimate as I’ll have to cut accordingly for the best possible film in the end.  My crew, actors and I are planning to re-shoot one of the scenes within the next couple of months.  This scene just lacked vigor, as well as shots in general.  At the time of its production, we were really pushed for time and just were not able to get what we wanted.

We are also going to be shooting an additional scene that I wanted in the film, but knew we weren’t going to have time to include in the initial shoots.  Add this re-shoot and new scene’s shoot to the massive amount of editing I have to do and my pot is full for this project.  At this time it is scheduled to have the final version of F4YL done by the end of July 2012 or the end of summer 2012 at the latest.   I will be organizing a large screening event for the premiere, which I may turn into a sort of small film festival.  Good times.

Currently, I’m working on editing the teaser trailer for F4YL.  As soon as it’s ready BE READY because I’ll be posting it everywhere.  Keep up to date on and my company site!   Also, be sure to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter!  You can also request to join the soon to be one studios mailing list, which will provide updates and newsletters for the one studios Universe.  This includes all one studios Family sites, including,, and more!

Thanks for your support everyone!

Believe it.  Do it. ™

– B