Biola University – Biola Alumni Awards 2013

I was contracted by Biola University to shoot an interview of Dr. Glen Thomas, who is an alum of Biola who went on to have a fruitful career in education and served as the California Secretary of Education under Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger….Tha Governator himself!  Dr. Thomas is a great guy and it was a sincere pleasure shooting the interview and getting to know him a bit.

The footage I shot was later incorporated into a larger video for the 2013 Biola Alumni Awards.  The linked version of this video, done by the awesome William Hellmuth, is below.  William has chosen not to allow peeps to embed this video.  But I was still able to post his YouTube link, which allows me to still display the video.  So, just watch the video below to see clips of my interview of Dr. Glen Thomas.

You can also see clips of my interview with Dr. Thomas in a couple of my upcoming reels, which will be on the B’s Reels page.  This way, if there is any doubt I actually did the work, you can squash it.  🙂

Thanks for viewing!



– B




Marjorie Birthday Celebration Video

I filmed a large portion of the interviews used to make this video, which was made to celebrate the 50th birthday of a very special lady named Marjorie.  All interviews done in the San Francisco Bay Area, CA, were produced by me, including the shooting, sound, directing and lighting.  I believe 10 interviews were the final sum.

The other interviews were done on the east coast and I think maybe L.A…..not sure.  Anyway, I was contracted by Touchdown Media Productions of the New Jersey state area for this work.  Once the interviews were done I sent them the footage and they compiled it all into this video.  The video opens up with three straight interview clips I did.  You get the idea.

Thanks for watching!

– B



Fight 4 Your Life – Running Teaser Trailer

This is a teaser trailer I did for my short film Fight 4 Your Life.  It was created to give people an idea as to what my team and I are going for as we create the full length feature film version of Fight 4 Your Life, which is currently in production.  I developed all aspects of this teaser, including the voice-over…..because I had no one else!!  🙂

For more info on this clip, as well as F4YL, read the description below the video, taken from the one studios Vimeo page.  Thanks for viewing.  Your support is much appreciated!

– B



As we here at one studios buckle down to get the feature version of F4YL shot this summer, we are releasing various media to promote the film. Trailers, such as this “Running Teaser”, are meant to give viewers a glimpse at what F4YL is set to look like.

The footage used in all current F4YL trailers, including this “Running Teaser” was taken from the Fight 4 Your Life short shot in 2012, which is what the idea for the F4YL feature stemmed from. Note that this teaser is meant to give a glimpse into the color schemes and feel of the F4YL feature, not totally represent what it will look like. The feature version is being shot with certain color schemes, visual effects and more in mind, where as the short version was not.

The one studios crew hopes you enjoy this teaser and looks forward to getting more media out for you to view and interact with soon!  It’s a hectic process.  But it’s getting done.  Please feel free to leave comments.  And, PLEASE, do tell others about Fight 4 Your Life.  The funding campaign has launched.  You can donate via the official F4YL site or by contacting us directly.  We will be relaunching our Kickstarter campaign with more ferocity soon.  We can use all the help we can get!

Thanks for your support, interest and time.  Like, Follow and check out F4YL at:


The official Fight 4 Your Life Site:





– OneMan



Natera – Technology Pioneers 2014 Video

Promo video describing San Francisco Bay Area bio tech company Natera’s message, vision, passion and products.  The interview was done with Natera CEO Matthew Rabinowitz.  I did full production for this project, with more to come out of the multitude of footage I gathered of Natera’s facility and employees.  This video was meant for display at the 2014 Technology Pioneers summit for Natera’s recognition as an industry technology innovator.  Congrats!

Thanks for watching.

– B



Attack of the Bs Background

Here’s a wallpaper BG for your computer or mobile device.  It’s the same one on this site.  Not to your liking?  Well, there are more awesome downloads to come.  We promise!


Enter your name and email address to download Attack of the B BG (300x177)

Name: Email:

Enter your name and email address to download Attack of the B BG (660x350)

Name: Email:

Enter your name and email address to download Attack of the B BG (1024x768)

Name: Email:

Visual FX Reel 1

Visual Effects are an important element to filmmaking, video production and TV.  But they aren’t always about explosions and zombies.  A lot of the time visual FX are present and viewers don’t even realize it.  Visual FX are also used heavily to fix things, to make things seem real.  As I continue to push myself in my projects and associated skill-sets, my visual FX skills will just keep coming in handy….and building and building and building.  Thanks for viewing!

– B