A Few Flicks B Picked – August 2012

I’ve spent some time watching a few films recently that I had been holding off seeing for a long while.  Below are my thoughts on them….

Watched the flick #Warrior last night with #TomHardy and #JoelEdgerton.  I had heard it was a decent film.  But I really enjoyed it.  Good story line and the actors’ performances were well done.  Tom was a bit brooding, but I saw nothing wrong with that.  Overall, I felt director #GavinOconner captured the relationships of the Father-Sons and Brother-Brother in a natural way, considering the subject matter and obstacles at hand in the film’s storyline.  It had a lot going on in terms of different story arcs, and did a fine job illustrating them without taking focus off the main subject of the film, which was the relationship between the 2 brothers.  Some might argue the main subject was the fight tournament they enter.  But I think that was more of a capsule to bring the brothers’ relationship to the forefront.  The father’s (Nick Nolte) relationship with his sons was a close second, always overlooking them throughout the film.  Bottom line, if you like fight films you’ll enjoy this movie.  If you like drama and are open-minded to a little action and bruising, you’ll like it also.  Good stuff.  It’s on #Netflicks if you got it and are interested….and haven’t already seen it, of course.

Another film I watched recently was the film #TheThing.  Now, I believed this to be a remake of the 1980’s flick of the same name starring the awesome #KurtRussell, or #JackBurton as I like to call him.  Others may prefer #Snake.  🙂    Anyway, spoiler alert, turns out this film is actually a prequel, with a similar, but different storyline than the original.  The Thing wasn’t anything mind-blowing.  But it was what I expected and all I could really hope for, in terms of action, suspense and horror.  The characters were believable, although, I can’t say you really get to know them very well, even the main female role.  But, alas, when do you ever really get to know horror films’ characters all that well?  If you’re in the mood for a fun movie you can chill and have a couple (or more) beers to, I’d say it’s worth popping in your device of preference.  If you can’t stand horror, aliens or Norwegians, then look elsewhere.

The final movie I’ll talk briefly about is #LucBesson’s #LockOut, starring #GuyPearce.  Yes, I’m a bit of a sci-fi nerd, and have always loved Besson’s #TheFifthElement.  So, I wanted to give this film, although not directed by Besson, a punching and kicking chance.  In the beginning, I must say I had my doubts.  The film came off a bit cheesy and I was in a mode of “what was I thinking”.  But I sat through the first 20-30 minutes and things began to pick up once they transitioned into space….and the female lead, played by #MaggieGrace, was more in the swing of things.  There are two Scottish brother characters in the film that really helped to keep it interesting also.  One brother’s psychotic rants I found to be amusing.  Anywho, this film might be better off untested if you are in the mood for a really good movie.  But if you are bored, why not.

As always, I take no responsibility for any spelling, grammatical, factual or other noticeable errors found in this post.  So rant on something else busters!   🙂



– B


DisHonorable Judge Penis Wrinkle

You should know: I respect the law and don’t claim to know ish about much of our due process system.  I try to do my best and read up on what I can, follow the rules, you know, not be stupid and cause myself more problems and cost myself more doe.  But I realize I am unaware of mucho.  Nevertheless, I also believe in showing mutual respect.  Some law officials seem to have a stick up their butt and sometimes abuse their power.  But most are coo if you’re coo to them.  It’s all about respect.  Don’t be an ass to them and they won’t be an ass to you.  With this known, read ahead.

Word of advice….even if you go about things in the proper way, getting documents, being respectful, talking to other officers for advice, all in an attempt to learn about our judicial system and current police speed monitoring equipment better, if a judge is a grumpy piece of turd, you’ll get the worst fine he can give you.  He’ll call you out on the slightest of misunderstandings by you, which is his job, obviously.  But he’ll do so in a very snide fashion without any discourse to help further your understanding of where you went wrong as a newb to this kind of stuff.

He’ll also not give you the respect of looking at you while you or he speaks.  Oh, and don’t think your squeaky clean driving record means anything.  All it means is he has the power to diminish it and will do so without any sound reasoning.  Bitter.  Bitter.  Bitter Pepper.

Thanks a lot Judge A. Hole from #YoloCountySuperiorCourt Traffic Division.  Understand the decision with the fine, as I expected the worst there, even if it was cooooold bloooded.  I figured I could get punished through increased fees for trying to get my ticket lowered by providing facts about lidar systems and human error possibilities.  Forgive me for being curious and attempting to use our court system for what it’s there for.  But not allowing me traffic school?  Wow.  That’s just funkin’ uncalled for and, well, just plain ole’ mean.

There goes my clean driving record of 10 years.  And there goes my insurance rates…up, up and away.  If the dishonorable Judege A. Hole was trying to teach me a lesson I did learn something.  I learned that he is a total butthole who doesn’t even acknowledge when a citizen is only trying to go about things in a legit fashion to learn and utilize the freedoms we have as Americans.  I mean, the guy didn’t even look at my evidence.  He just pretty much ignored everything I had to say because he already made up his mind.

The bottom line is there is room for human error with the device in question.  But did he hear that??  Hell nah!!!  He literally told me this is the price I pay for trying to represent myself.  Wow.  Sure, I get that it’s not the most effective method and my argument was probably filled with “ums” and holes.  But it’s a traffic ticket.  Forgive me for not hiring Johnny Cochran’s ghost.  Geez.  Just ridonkeylips.

You know, I get that judges have to put up with a lot of bull.  They have to hear the same crap people try to pull over and over and over.  I can see how irritating it must be.  I also comprehend how much more they know about this stuff than the average Joe, aka muah.  There’s no way I’m going to prove him wrong.  But you know what?  Gimme some respect for going about things in an honorable way.  Don’t take out your bad day on me.  It’s not my fault you’re job is lame.

You’re getting paid by us, the people, to give us a fair shake.  So stop being little baby pissy pants because you didn’t make it to the Supreme Court.  There is no reason I shouldn’t have been allowed traffic school.  That was his call to make since I waived my right to it entering his court room, which I respected.  But I figured there would be some level of mutual respect and understanding as long as my argument was valid, had some sort of evidence and went about things legitimately.  How wrong I was.

Me attempting to do what I did should not be looked at so negatively.  Even the cops there said he was in a bad mood and it was cold he denied me traffic school.  I gave him and the law proper respect and received none by him in return.  No respect.  Straight Dangerfield’ed me.

People are people.  We all have our days.  But leave that shiz at tha door….And now my bitching stops.  🙂  Have a good day everyone.  Just pay the ticket.  It’s not worth it.


– B



Focusing on the Positive…Helps when You Luck Out

Okay, negativity kills.  My car was broken into last night in #SanFrancisco.  I fell asleep and left 2 important items in my car by accident.  My bad.  I know better.  My window was shattered.  The items were yanked.  I was pissed.

The main reasons I was pissed were:

1.  I had just shot an event earlier that day.  One of the tapes with the event footage was in one of the 2 cases stolen.   Not only was I now not going to get paid, but all the memories for the persons in the event were going to be lost.  I also would never get the gig again, which I’ve done for 3 years now.  Ultimately, this would just cost me money and rep.  But it would mean so much more lost to the event participants.  I just felt horrible about it.  You can’t replace memories.

2.  A piece of equipment I had borrowed from a colleague  was in one of the 2 cases stolen as well.  This meant I would have to explain what happened to him.  It also meant he would never likely trust me again.  Furthermore, I’d lose even more money on what was suppose to make me money because I’d feel absolutely obligated to pay him back.

3.  I left the stuff in my car in the first place, evoking the incident.  Yes, it shouldn’t happen regardless.  But you have to be street smart.

Obviously, other items were stolen that were within the cases.  But the above reasons are really why I was so angry.  I mean, overall, none of the items were worth much to the low life individual who stole them.  And they likely knew this.  They don’t care though.  If they can get $20 for their next hit then it’s a success.

But to me, to the people at the event, to my colleague, the items meant a great deal.  This is what frustrates me beyond words, truly.  The broken window sucks major.  But my car can be fixed through my insurance.  Hell, I might have even been able to get reimbursed for some of the items.  But the reimbursement would never replace those memories, trust and future possible work lost.

As strange clouds passed overhead, after having lashed out in anger to the wind and then doing a grid search, after I spoke with some nearby homeless gentlemen and having filed my police report, as I parked to enter my girlfriend’s apartment to pack up my stuff and leave the city I now was in disagreement with, there they were.  Sitting in front of my gf’s apartment complex were my cases….just chillin’.   I was dumbfounded.

Whatever the reason for the thief’s abandonment of my important items, whether too heavy, not worthy enough of a quick sale, whatever, I’ll never know.  And I don’t care.  All I do know is I am beyond fortunate.  I am beyond relieved.

Everything was intact.  Nothing was even scattered….well, except for my mind.

So thankful.  So thankful nothing else was stolen (a lot more could have been).  So thankful to not have to worry.  So thankful to not have to explain.  So thankful for the positive overcoming the negative.

Just damn thankful.



– B

Believe it.  Do it.  ™


Original X: Bach


Getting Over It

As we get older we’re expected to know more, be more wise.  But no matter how old you are you’ll never be perfect.  If you slip up don’t be too hard on yourself.  Just learn from it and move on.

Beating yourself up will get you nowhere.  All it will do is destroy your self-confidence.  This isn’t to say you shouldn’t take responsibility for your actions.  Part of aging is using what you’ve learned to be a more fully developed individual, which means you should constantly be understanding more.

You should better understand the way the world works, how you work and what and what not is of quality human interaction and human characteristics.  We all have different culture, different ideals of what is right and wrong.  Such goes without saying really.  But there are those qualities, those things that humanity as a whole accepts and comprehends as being a part of natural growth cycle of a human being.

There are those attributes people should strive towards while aging.  Some come more naturally.  Some we must push for.  Some are just common sense.  And there are those things we know from within are just right, which are shared amongst man as a whole.

Maintaining a responsibility to uphold these “things” is part of maturing.  If you aren’t attending to these duties as you age, you are holding yourself back.  You are stunting your growth.  So, it can be said knowing when to take responsibility for your actions is a common one of those attributes discussed here.  But, as stated earlier, part of getting older is also understanding that you will mess up.

When you do, don’t be self-degrading in your determination of the fact you messed up.  Accept it.  Take responsibility.  Learn.  Grow.  Move on.  We can only change the way we handle or prevent our mistakes for future instances.  We can’t change the mistake that has already happened.


– B


Original X: Bach


Fight 4 Your Life

Sooooo, my most recent creative project is a short film called Fight 4 Your Life, which was filmed at the end of last month (March) as part of the Sacramento 48 Hour Film Festival.  I used this festival as a means to get a lot of people together for a short amount of time to accomplish a rather large feat.  The big picture was always to extend the film well past the allotted 7 minute runtime restriction of the 48 hr festival, editing it into what the script truly called for.  My team and I were able to shoot 11 scenes in less than a day and a half.

Now, obviously, it was to be expected that the film wouldn’t be perfect.  When you’re shooting so much in such a short amount of time there is bound to be limitations and flaws.  But, overall, we were extremely successful in accomplishing the task of finishing the shoots, which were at multiple locations.  I created a tedious shooting schedule to allow for the most clear cut path as possible.  It seems it worked and I am so very proud of my cast and crew for getting ‘er done.

I now have a plethora of footage to edit into what will be the final film, which looks to be anywhere from 20 to 25 minutes in length at this time.  Of course, this is just an estimate as I’ll have to cut accordingly for the best possible film in the end.  My crew, actors and I are planning to re-shoot one of the scenes within the next couple of months.  This scene just lacked vigor, as well as shots in general.  At the time of its production, we were really pushed for time and just were not able to get what we wanted.

We are also going to be shooting an additional scene that I wanted in the film, but knew we weren’t going to have time to include in the initial shoots.  Add this re-shoot and new scene’s shoot to the massive amount of editing I have to do and my pot is full for this project.  At this time it is scheduled to have the final version of F4YL done by the end of July 2012 or the end of summer 2012 at the latest.   I will be organizing a large screening event for the premiere, which I may turn into a sort of small film festival.  Good times.

Currently, I’m working on editing the teaser trailer for F4YL.  As soon as it’s ready BE READY because I’ll be posting it everywhere.  Keep up to date on BryanBachar.com and my company site onestudios.net!   Also, be sure to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter!  You can also request to join the soon to be one studios mailing list, which will provide updates and newsletters for the one studios Universe.  This includes all one studios Family sites, including BryanBachar.com, WShiznik.com, Bach2Smooth.com and more!

Thanks for your support everyone!

Believe it.  Do it. ™

– B



Just Blabbin’ tha Thoughts

Trippin’? More like sippin’, occasionally dippin’ to tha big in tha sky, feelin’ as though my life is occasionally high.  Riiiiiight.  Truth be told, I don’t even remember what demons my past unfolds.   In the end all that matters is my spectacle glows.  But let it be, let it be, so say he.  When in question was it ever a consequence of WE?  Are you entertained?!!!  Are you entertained?!!!  Maaaan, demands makin’ my mind’s left brain dramatically drained.  Who’s to spit, that you can’t be what you yourself wish?  Excuse me while I have my cake and eat my dish. Wasting space on these thoughts is a case Ashanti’s foolish.  Don’t take the time.  Move forward and put tha ish on a funkin’ grocery list.  Save ’em for later.  Like, “Peaces.” Pieces come together to make a whole.  Not always the rough ridges of Reese’s.  Take a bite and you’ll get that smooth PB center as all the rest deceases.


Original X: Bach




Waking to Leave

It’s both amusing and peculiar in what dreams may come.

Scenarios of grandeur.

Illusions of the deepest desires.

All to leave at the opening of the eyes.

Only to wish your separation from this world, even if only for a sleepy night, would not end.

A journey away from what you know to be real.

A meeting with those you hold dear.

A chance to live a life not always possible…..

In what dreams may come.




Original X: Bach